Introducing efficient practice management: Nelly Solutions.

Ending paper chaos: With Nelly, digital signatures, documents, and invoices are just a click away.

Ein iPhone mit der Nelly Benutzeroberfläche
Ein iPad mit der Nelly Benutzeroberfläche

Known from

Digital patient check-in

Revolutionize patient check-in with the power of smartphones! Introducing Nelly, your one-stop solution for hassle-free admissions, eliminating the need of printing, scanning, and shredding.

Real-time document handling

Save time by automating recurring processes: All documents are delivered digitally, signed and automatically stored via interface.

Digital invoices and factoring

Efficient billing with Nelly: Whether it's factoring or digital invoice delivery with flexible payment options for patients - Nelly offers the perfect billing solution for every practice.

TÜV Geprüfter Datenschutz
Unterschriften und Zahlungen ganz einfach digital
Compatible with any practice software.

How it works



Medical history forms and other documents are filled out and signed on the patients smartphone before being seamlessly transferred to the patients record using a QR code in the practice or via a link provided in the appointment confirmation.


Treatment documents

Subsequently, further documents such as clarification sheets or cost estimates can be sent digitally and signed with a click, including an automated reminder function.


Invoicing and payment

Patients can conveniently store their preferred payment method - at Nelly, we handle invoice generation via email or SMS, ensuring prompt processing of all related inquiries.


Less paper, printing
and postage costs
90 Min
time saving
billing costs

Digital check-in & documents

QR-Code Icon

Patient check-in

Obtain patient information in an efficient, timely, and resource-efficient manner – without any hardware at all.

Papier Icon


Deliver documents such as disclosure forms digitally, have them signed, and store them automatically via an interface.

Tür Icon

Patient Dashboard

Modern communication and management of documents and invoices for patients - without the need for complicated registration.

Digital billing

Taschenrechner Icon

Digital invoicing, payment and factoring

More revenue, lower costs and liquidity security with Nelly: automated patient scoring, digital invoice delivery, factoring and a user-friendly billing portal. Easy payment including installment options for patients without any media breaks and paperwork.


payment methods
installment payments


"With Nelly, we have significantly improved the payment experience for our patients and eliminated the majority of the administrative work of our employees."

Dr. Philipp F. Gebhardt
BISS45 Logo

Unsere Partner

“Um es kurz und knapp zu halten:
Mit Nelly wird alles digitalisiert!

Henry Gene Go Siong
AllDent Zahnzentrum
AllDent Logo
Ein weißer Empfangstresen in einer Praxis

Unsere Partner

„Unsere Arztpraxen sparen mit Nelly Abrechnungsgebühren, Papier und Druckkosten. Außerdem werden Praxisabläufe beschleunigt und das Personal enorm entlastet.

Volkan Demirbas
mydenkt Logo
Eine Frau, die am Tresen einer Praxis steht und telefoniert

Unsere Partner

„Mit Nelly entlasten wir unsere Mitarbeiter deutlich, da der Verwaltungsaufwand auf ein Minimum reduziert wurde. Außerdem können Patienten endlich zeitgemäß zahlen.“

Julia Stechmesser
Zahnkultur Marzahn
Zahnkultur Marzahn Logo
Tresen einer Praxis

Unsere Partner

Nelly nimmt uns enorm viel Arbeit ab. Zuvor nutzten wir eine Anmeldungssoftware die auf Tablets lief aber häufig hackte. Jetzt ist es an der Anmeldung viel entspannter.”

Dr. med. Georg-Eike Böhme
Hausärzte im Lehel
Hausärzte im Lehel Logo

Frequently asked questions

Will Nelly work with my practice management system?

Yes, Nelly is compatible with any practice management system thanks to its interfaces. With the help of these interfaces, images and documents can be stored directly in the patient file. For more information on the interface compatibility of your practice software and Nelly, we recommend a free consultation with one of our Nelly experts.

Do patients need to download an app to use it?

No, Nelly works with the web browser of the end devices.

Data protection: How secure is Nelly?

We at Nelly attach great importance to the topic of data protection. All data is encrypted and stored on German servers. All data that is generated belongs to the practice. For this we have passed a certification of the TÜV for tested data protection. Here you can find our TÜV certificate:

Is extra hardware necessary for Nelly?

No additional hardware, such as a tablet or signature pad, is required to use Nelly.

How can people who do not own a smartphone use Nelly?

Today, more than 90% of people in Germany already own a smartphone. Due to the Corona pandemic, scanning QR codes and filling out documents via one's own smartphone have arrived in the middle of society. However, a tablet can be added on request. This means patients only need a phone with text messaging capability. If patients do not have a smartphone at all, paper can still be used in addition to Nelly.

Request our info sheet now free of charge.

No app or tablets. No printing, filing or scanning. Setup and updates free of charge. Get a consultation now.

Compatible with any PMS