
Doctor rating on Google — how to collect 5-star reviews

Doctor reviews on Google are an important clue for many patients when deciding for or against a practice. Discover a solution to collect good reviews automatically and risk-free. You'll also learn how to best deal with existing bad reviews.

Melanie Schröder
Reading time
output:  Moderner Krankenhausflur mit Empfang und Pflanzen.

The most important answers to doctor reviews at a glance:

Why should I have a Google profile as a practice?

A business profile on Google improves the visibility of your doctor's office on Google Maps and Google search. A high number of positive reviews help offset occasional complaints and present the practice as popular, high-quality and modern.

How can I improve my doctor ratings on Google?

To increase your overall rating score, it is advisable to actively promote positive reviews, for example by setting up QR codes that lead directly to Google Maps, integrating your Google profile on your website and addressing your patients directly in practice.

Can I delete negative reviews?

There are two ways to delete a negative review: Either you request the deletion yourself via Google or you contact a lawyer directly.

About the practice


In this article, you'll read:

What are the benefits of having a Google profile for my doctor's office?

A company profile on Google will make your doctor's practice on Google Maps and in Google search displayed.

Being found on the Internet goes hand in hand with the opportunity to be rated. Ideally, your target patients can then see at a glance:

  • Her practice is well attended and popular.
  • They offer high quality and satisfied patients.
  • They are modern and present on the Internet.

Complaints about long wait times or similar inconveniences may occasionally mix into reviews. To keep these reviews from being too significant, you need a solid basis of good doctor reviews on Google.

How to improve your doctor rating on Google

The key to an overall good doctor rating on Google is the number of patients you rate after a completely normal doctor visit.

This is exactly where the crux lies — the so-called extremity bias results in people giving reviews more frequently in extreme situations. Since doctor visits are rarely remarkably good, bad reviews get lost disproportionately often in online doctor profiles (negativity bias).

So how do you do it that your satisfied patients leave reviews — without any additional effort on your part? That's where Nelly comes in — our new feature “Practice Assessment 5/5” helps you automated and risk-free to achieve a very good rating score on Google.

Nelly practice review 5/5 — that's how it works

In just three steps, Nelly builds up a good rating score for your medical practice easier than ever before.

1st initial contact: When checking in digitally at your doctor's office, the patient already states in the medical history flow how they came across your doctor's practice.

2. Evaluation reminder: After treatment, the patient automatically receives a reminder to submit a review of your practice via Nelly. You can set the time and channel of the reminder yourself. By default, this is 24 hours after completing the medical history or payment of an invoice.

3. Google invite: If the patient has given at least 4 or 5 stars, he receives an automated invitation to the public Google rating. This increases the likelihood that the patient will rate your practice positively.

In this way, you can collect good doctor reviews on Google without additional effort in everyday practice and at the same time protect your online reputation.

In nur vier Schritten macht Nelly den Aufbau eines guten Bewertungsscores für Ihre Arztpraxis einfacher als je zuvor.

Your benefits with Nelly at a glance

With Nelly, you combine the full potential of patient feedback and Google reviews:

  • Improved search engine placement: Profiles with lots of reviews are shown higher up in Google searches.
  • Direct feedback: Formulated feedback about Nelly gives you the opportunity to learn from your patients without affecting your public profile.
  • More desired patients: Within the Nelly review, you can find out how your patients found out about you. You can make good use of this information for your practice marketing.
  • Effective marketing: Positive reviews are a cost-effective and effective way to attract new patients.

You don't know how your patients will react and would rather Don't wake sleeping dogs? That is also no problem. Nelly allows you to View reviews before publishing You decide for yourself whether reviews should be published.

This gives you a good feeling of what to expect with a higher rate of reviews without a risk to enter. Justified negative feedback, you can proactively address and make improvements to your medical practice to increase patient satisfaction.

Get started today and permanently improve your online reputation with Nelly!

This is the best way to react to a negative doctor's review

Despite all precautionary measures, has this one negative review crept into your public profile, which lowers your rating average? Absolutely annoying, because every potential patient in Google search sees this negative review — and could decide to see another doctor instead. How should you handle this situation?

Even if you don't feel like it right now: Stay calm first! It is completely understandable that you feel personally attacked. But: Now it's best to avoid any action involving affect. Instead, see if you can't simply delete the negative review and get rid of the problem.

Your review can be deleted, for example, if you:

  • Abusive criticism contains
  • Employees are referred to by you by their real names
  • False facts are claimed

If one or more of these criteria are met, you can most likely have the unfair Google rating deleted.

Ärzte sollten bei einer schlechten Bewertung zunächst prüfen, ob sie die Rezension löschen lassen können. 

Should you respond to a negative review?

Many doctors tend to respond publicly to the evaluation immediately in order to “rectify” the situation. A perfectly understandable impulse. Especially when potential patients read the negative review online, it is helpful to know both sides. From the point of view of “marketing glasses,” it is therefore advisable to respond to the review.

But: From a legal point of view, this is not advisable. Because if you respond publicly to the review, you run the risk of violating your medical duty of silence. In addition, the review could become indelible as they may provide Google with information with your answer that could be used against you.

As a result, there is no clear answer to the question of whether or not you should publicly respond to a Google review. If you're sure that the review is illegal, you should leave it uncommented and try to remove the review.

How to delete your negative review

There are two ways to delete the review: Either you request the deletion yourself via Google or you can contact a lawyer directly.

Delete doctor's review yourself on Google

If you want to delete the review yourself, you can do so in four steps:

  1. Sign in to your Google My Business account.
  2. View the affected review
  3. Report the review using the three-point menu.
  4. Explain why the review is contrary to applicable law and/or the Google guidelines violates.
Falls Bewertungen gegen die Google-Richtlinien verstoßen oder rechtswidrig sind, können sie im Google-Profil gelöscht werden.

Remove a review with a lawyer

Doctors make many mistakes when justifying the deletion of the review. This is because some requests to remove the review can be so complicated and difficult for people who are not legally trained to justify, that the advice of a lawyer is worthwhile. In some cases, lawyers offer fixed prices (often around 150 euros) for canceling valuations. So if you're unsure or Google Support doesn't respond to your request, you should contact a lawyer to delete the doctor's review.

Conclusion: Many doctor reviews on Google are the best marketing

So that not a single negative review can easily lower your rating score, make sure that there are lots of positive reviews on your Google profile. This is also the best signal for potential patients!

In this way, you not only increase your visibility on the Internet, but also strengthen overall patient satisfaction. Because nothing makes you happier than an echo chamber of like-minded people who feel at home in your medical practice.

Use the full potential of online reviews now with Nelly — completely risk-free! We advise you non-binding and free to your individual case!

The personal names used in this article always refer equally to all persons. Dual naming and alternate names are omitted in order to improve readability.

Melanie Schröder


Melanie Schröder is founder of and specializes in blog marketing for tech startups.

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